With Just A Hint Of Mayhem

Music reviews, gig reviews, fun trivia and extra added random stuff!

Pryma/ Lavire joint headline tour – Fulford Arms, York – Friday 17th May 2024 May 27, 2024

Filed under: Review — justwilliam1959 @ 2:39 pm
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This was Steve “Ska” Laurence’s (head honcho of Northern Ska Face Promotions) first metal gig and on this evidence, it won’t be his last! While this tour is a co-headline event between metal titans Pryma and Lavire there was one more band on the bill for York. It was Yorkshire favourites Hunter Gatherer. They gifted us with soulful vocals and harmonies backed by some finely constructed metal sounds. They make a humungous noise for a three-piece! One of their slower songs had an element of Supertramp on speed, and I mean that in a good way. Hunter Gatherer is shaping up to be a great band.

Next, it was the turn of Lavire who I first witnessed when they supported the Soap Girls last year. They opened with an explosive run through their song “Welcome To The Freak Show” from 2022. What an incredible way to open a set, how could they follow that? Quite easily in fact. This band is quite a few levels above just heavy, this was dark matter heaviness! ChloĆ©’s voice is devastatingly brilliant stunningly tuneful and she occasionally showcased her enormous metal roar. Every band member was in top form. But a special huge shout out to the bass player. The power that emanated from his six-stringed bass guitar rearranged my heartbeat a few times as it hammered through my body. They gave a great feminist shout-out to all the strong independent woman before their set closer. This was an unforgettable set from an extraordinary band!

Finally, it was time for the second co-headliner Pryma. Well, there was me describing Lavire as heavier than heavy and then this lot took the stage! Pryma is a new level and definition of heavy that has never been reached by anyone before. Probably heavier than a neutron star. But it was so much more than just that. This was a real show and a magnificent performance. Gabrielle is an awesome frontwoman who is most definitely for real! Current single “Dead To Me” is a metal anthem made for festivals. But hearing it in a small, sweaty, grassroots venue like the Fulford Arms is very special indeed. The super-powered guitar shredding and riffage are drawn from another world while vocals and bass are among the best in the business. But let’s not forget the input of magnificent metal metronome, drummer Dominic Smith. The song of the set, and probably the whole night, goes to “My Cold Shadow”. This single from late last year is one of the best tracks that I have heard in ages. New song “Mask” ( I think that was the title) is certified high-level metal but also contains some tuneful and huge punky metal riffs backing it up too. I knew hardly anything about Pryma before this gig, I am now a huge fan!

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