With Just A Hint Of Mayhem

Music reviews, gig reviews, fun trivia and extra added random stuff!

Pryma/ Lavire joint headline tour – Fulford Arms, York – Friday 17th May 2024 May 27, 2024

Filed under: Review — justwilliam1959 @ 2:39 pm
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This was Steve “Ska” Laurence’s (head honcho of Northern Ska Face Promotions) first metal gig and on this evidence, it won’t be his last! While this tour is a co-headline event between metal titans Pryma and Lavire there was one more band on the bill for York. It was Yorkshire favourites Hunter Gatherer. They gifted us with soulful vocals and harmonies backed by some finely constructed metal sounds. They make a humungous noise for a three-piece! One of their slower songs had an element of Supertramp on speed, and I mean that in a good way. Hunter Gatherer is shaping up to be a great band.

Next, it was the turn of Lavire who I first witnessed when they supported the Soap Girls last year. They opened with an explosive run through their song “Welcome To The Freak Show” from 2022. What an incredible way to open a set, how could they follow that? Quite easily in fact. This band is quite a few levels above just heavy, this was dark matter heaviness! Chloé’s voice is devastatingly brilliant stunningly tuneful and she occasionally showcased her enormous metal roar. Every band member was in top form. But a special huge shout out to the bass player. The power that emanated from his six-stringed bass guitar rearranged my heartbeat a few times as it hammered through my body. They gave a great feminist shout-out to all the strong independent woman before their set closer. This was an unforgettable set from an extraordinary band!

Finally, it was time for the second co-headliner Pryma. Well, there was me describing Lavire as heavier than heavy and then this lot took the stage! Pryma is a new level and definition of heavy that has never been reached by anyone before. Probably heavier than a neutron star. But it was so much more than just that. This was a real show and a magnificent performance. Gabrielle is an awesome frontwoman who is most definitely for real! Current single “Dead To Me” is a metal anthem made for festivals. But hearing it in a small, sweaty, grassroots venue like the Fulford Arms is very special indeed. The super-powered guitar shredding and riffage are drawn from another world while vocals and bass are among the best in the business. But let’s not forget the input of magnificent metal metronome, drummer Dominic Smith. The song of the set, and probably the whole night, goes to “My Cold Shadow”. This single from late last year is one of the best tracks that I have heard in ages. New song “Mask” ( I think that was the title) is certified high-level metal but also contains some tuneful and huge punky metal riffs backing it up too. I knew hardly anything about Pryma before this gig, I am now a huge fan!

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Battle Of The Bands 2023 – Fulford Arms, York – The Final! October 22, 2023

Filed under: Observation — justwilliam1959 @ 10:28 am
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Here we are, after six heats and three magnificent semi-finals today is the grand final of the Fulford Arms Battle of the Bands 2023 competition. We have seen some incredible performances from some spectacularly good bands. But only four remain. Offbeat, Hunter Gatherer, and HÆrtstrings all won their semi-finals and Ømmis are this year’s judge’s wild card. I am once again on the judging panel for this sell-out show, so I don’t think it’s fair to review it. But I will say that I think the contest tonight will be as close as hell and truly gladiatorial, although the spilling of blood, and probably no chariots! I hope to see you there, bring it on!

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Battle Of The Bands 2023 – Fulford Arms, York – Week 3 September 27, 2023

Regular readers will know that I was invited back to judge this year’s Battle Of The Bands competition at the Fulford Arms in York. It is a fabulous honour to be chosen to judge such a great contest! As I am on the judging panel, I do not think it is fair to review the shows. But I thought you might like a few updates, this is the third one and covers the final two of the six heats.

Heats 5 and 6 took place on Wednesday, 20th September, and Thursday, 21st September. The lineup for Heat 5 was Red Recluse, Manic Calm, Ømmis, and 5 Or 7. It was yet another close contest, and Manic Calm, along with Ømmis will be in the semi-finals! Heat 6 had another great lineup with Trent and the Crickets, Hunter Gatherer, Gents and Ginger, and I Tell Lies. The two acts going through to the semi-final from Heat 6 are I Tell Lies and Hunter Gatherer. Gents and Ginger initially made the cut but were unable to make any of the dates. Get yourself to the Fulford Arms on Friday, 29th September for the first of the three semi-finals! The other two semi-finals are on Saturday, 30th September, and Friday, 6th October. Check out the semi-final lineups below.

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With Just A Hint Of Mayhem – Singles Round-Up 2020 Part 12 September 5, 2020

Here we are with our twelfth singles round-up of 2020. This one features six great tunes, which found their way into the world over the past few weeks. These six tracks feature another great selection of bands and singers from Pickering, North East UK (via London), Middlesbrough, Switzerland, York and Norwich. Only two of these acts are new to With Just A Hint Of Mayhem and they are Andrei Poliakov and Mammal Hands and I am sure that they will all feature again sometime in the future. Get onto this batch of top tunes now!

“Turn Me Down” – Hunter Gatherer

Pickering in North Yorkshire has produced top cricketers and even a top snooker player. But now Pickering can lay claim to producing an incredible rock band, Hunter Gatherer. The boys are back with another cracking single. Full of gargantuan riffs and fine metal melodies. This lot are still on my list to see live post COVID-19.

“Dance Through This” – Notorious Lightbulbs

Those classy popsters Notorious Lightbulbs are back with a slice of pop dance perfection that will not fail to get your feet and body moving to its hooks and beats. “Dance Through This” is a magnificent feel good anthem with a golden groove that will leave you with a smile on your face.

“Say Nothing” – Swears

Coming out of Middlesbrough like a rogue steam train on speed Swears are talented grungey rockers. “Say Nothing” is the 2nd single taken from their debut EP ‘Seersucker’. It is a magnificent rock song that deals with mental health issues. At times they remind me of one of my favourite bands, Avalanche Party. Get Swears on your playlist now!

“Declaration Of Love In The Moonlight” – Andrei Poliakov

This is probably not my usual listening fare, but having it playing while sitting down to read late at night is refreshingly relaxing. It splices classical piano with jazz motifs. The feel of it suggests night time in the same way that its companion piece “Declaration Of Love In The Sunshine” suggests a warm leisurely summer day. Music to chill to, get yourself a cold drink, a comfortable chair and take a listen.

“Make It” – Jacob Clayton

Jacob’s first release “Inside Our Minds” suggested he might fit into the folk genre. But “Make It” busts right out of those genre boundaries. It is a chilled, electro styled tune that showcases the depth of talent and potential that Jacob has. He definitely deserves to be heard.

“Chaser” – Mammal Hands

Do you like electro? Do you like jazz? Can you imagine a jazz electro fusion sound? You can? Then you have just imagined what Mammal Hands sound like. As well as jazz and electro I sense an element of prog in what they do too, this is a vanguard release from their album which is due this month. It is a single that bodes well for the album in my opinion.

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“Killjoy” – Hunter-Gatherer April 13, 2020

Filed under: Review — justwilliam1959 @ 8:33 am
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Hunter-Gatherer is a classy rock outfit from Pickering, North Yorkshire. They have just released a new single “Killjoy” with a great video to accompany it. If you like your rock music a little grungey, a little alternative and with an emotional depth you will bloody love this tune. Sam Womack’s mighty riffs and almost yearning vocals are prominent but underpinned by a finely tuned Maserati of a rhythm section with Kristian Ward’s sonic boom bass playing and Bron Bury smacking his drums until they are in need of life support! The video is cleverly put together too with a story based around coming to a Hunter-Gatherer gig. The gig shots make me realise how much I miss live shows during this COVID-19 lockdown! I am looking forward to actually seeing these lads playing live on the other side of this.

I also have to apologise to Hunter-Gatherer for not getting my arse in gear last year to review their rather excellent previous single “Run My Mind” but you can find it below. It is another 110% banger!

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