With Just A Hint Of Mayhem

Music reviews, gig reviews, fun trivia and extra added random stuff!

“The Internet” – Delilah Bon June 26, 2024

Filed under: Review — justwilliam1959 @ 9:38 pm
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If music could kill sex offenders, abusers, and misogynists then Delilah Bon’s new single “The Internet”, would be a lethal weapon. Delilah has some sharp punk and rap influences but since her arrival, she has developed into one of the most original artists on the planet. This is the fourth single from her forthcoming second album and on those four tracks alone it is a major contender for album of the year. This is a brooding dark beat with the best Delilah ciphers so far. Speaking in the guise of female-hating keyboard warrior Harry Dick Delilah bares her fangs and aims her venom at the vile individuals that spout pathetic and worthless hate. For lines like “All these people offended by transgenders send your children to church to god-loving sex offenders” it is way above the competition and the glorious dig at professional sweaty nonce Prince Andrew is sublime. I love the way that Delilah continues to turn all the shit she takes and uses it to fight back. Good people of the world, Delilah Bon is on your side, be on hers!

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