With Just A Hint Of Mayhem

Music reviews, gig reviews, fun trivia and extra added random stuff!

“Killjoy” – Hunter-Gatherer April 13, 2020

Filed under: Review — justwilliam1959 @ 8:33 am
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Hunter-Gatherer is a classy rock outfit from Pickering, North Yorkshire. They have just released a new single “Killjoy” with a great video to accompany it. If you like your rock music a little grungey, a little alternative and with an emotional depth you will bloody love this tune. Sam Womack’s mighty riffs and almost yearning vocals are prominent but underpinned by a finely tuned Maserati of a rhythm section with Kristian Ward’s sonic boom bass playing and Bron Bury smacking his drums until they are in need of life support! The video is cleverly put together too with a story based around coming to a Hunter-Gatherer gig. The gig shots make me realise how much I miss live shows during this COVID-19 lockdown! I am looking forward to actually seeing these lads playing live on the other side of this.

I also have to apologise to Hunter-Gatherer for not getting my arse in gear last year to review their rather excellent previous single “Run My Mind” but you can find it below. It is another 110% banger!

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