With Just A Hint Of Mayhem

Music reviews, gig reviews, fun trivia and extra added random stuff!

“Could laugh at the ocean just like the films” November 22, 2011

It’s not often lately that I learn a new bit of David Bowie trivia, but this week I certainly have. I was reading the recent Bowie special published by Uncut magazine, in particular a bit about Bowie’s film career. Now personally I don’t see him as a brilliant actor. I think he was superb in just three movies; ‘The Man Who fell To Earth‘, ‘Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence‘ and ‘The Hunger’. The rest I really can just take or leave.

He also auditioned for a role in ‘The Eagle Has Landed‘ as Max Radl, who was eventually played by Robert Duvall. John Sturges the director referred to Bowie’s audition as “the ego has landed”. But what I found really interesting, assuming that it’s true, is the three roles he supposedly turned down;

1) The Bond villain Max Zorrin in ‘A View To A Kill‘ (Eventually played by Christopher Walken)

2) Captain Hook in ‘Hook’ (Eventually played by Dustin Hoffman)

3) The Joker in Tim Burton‘s ‘Batman’ (Eventually played in a really over the top style by Jack Nicholson)

That is one hell of a selection in my opinion. Personally I think he might have made a good Bond villain and maybe could have brought some of his ‘Labyrinth’ character to the part of Captain Hook. But I believe he would have been awful as the Joker. What do you think dear readers?

Now obviously I wasn’t going to close this post with no Bowie songs was I? So here are a couple for you to enjoy!